The topic is the New Reality of Climate Friendly Building Codes. Join us as we welcome the Middlesex 3 Coalition to an informative meeting about issues impacting the building industry in the Merrimack Valley. In attendance will be: Joann Kalogianis Spaneas, owner of Grace Construction LLC & Land and Sea Real Estate, Gary Campbell of Gilbert G. Campbell Real Estate, Rob Brennan Government Affairs Chairman of HBRAMA & Joyce Losick-Yang Director of Sustainability & Energy for the Town of Andover.
This meeting will be a casual conversation among real estate stakeholders, public sector leaders, and sustainability officials.
The discussion will begin with a brief (10-minute) overview of the recent Net Zero Study by MIT and Wentworth Institute of Technology.
The conversation will include different perspectives and impacts regarding the New Reality of Climate-Friendly Building Codes.
Free for Members
Non-members $25
Food and beverages will be available.