
Over the past year, the Association has saved its members an estimated average of $15,000 to $20,000 per housing unit by fending off unnecessary and burdensome laws, regulations and codes. This would not have been possible without the resources of the Public Policy Fund. That is why we are asking every member to make a contribution commensurate with his or her ability.

These donations will enable the Association to continue to:

  • Implement the rules and regulations that we have been fighting for;
  • Influence public opinion by promoting the need for housing;
  • Strengthen our influence by conducting research and retaining qualified experts to support our positions; and,
  • Build coalitions with other industries and associations to effect governmental action to promote increased housing production.

Help us gather the resources necessary to effectively advocate for you. For example, a contribution of $150 equals 41¢ per day in order to defend the homebuilding industry and protect your ability to earn a living and your business to thrive. Every contribution, no matter how large or small, counts.

Public Policy Fund Contribution Levels

Public Policy Influencer


Public Policy Playmaker


Public Policy Rulemaker


Public Policy Leader


Please consider a contribution of $250, $500, $1,000 or $2500 to help us help you.

Contributing to the fund can be done by going to our website and clicking on DONATE in the upper right column, or by check made out to:

HBRAMA Public Policy Fund

 60 Hickory Drive, Suite 6100 Waltham, MA 02451

 2024 Legislative Success!

In 2024, the Home Builders and Remodelers Association of Massachusetts:

  • Developed a productive working relationship with the Healey-Driscoll administration.
  • HBRAMA representaton on important commissions on housing and energy.
  • Re-established our Utilities Working Group with the Department of Public Utilities.
  • Met with senior administration officials to discuss barriers to housing production.
  • Was instrumental in the passage of the historic Affordable Homes Act.
  • Authored a provision in the Affordable Homes Act to unmerge prior merged lots.
  • Lobbied successfully for implementation of the provision allowing ADU’s by right.
  • Supported amendments to the Zoning Act making it more difficult for an abutter’s appeal.
  • Defeated the inclusion in the Affordable Homes Act that allowed local adoption of a transfer tax.
  • Defeated the adoption of Rent Control and Tenant Right of First Refusal.
  • Defeated once again a law that would allow local adoption of fire sprinklers in 1 & 2 family homes.
  • Authored legislation to establish a uniform, statewide 3-year term for special permits.
  • Joined other industry partners in submitting a “Friend of the Court” brief in support of the MBTA Communities Act in the case of the Town of Milton v Atty. General with favorable results.
  • Submitted written comments to EOHLC regarding proposed regulations on ADU’s.
  • Worked with the State Board of Building Regulations and Standards to extend the concurrency period for the 10th Edition of the State Building Code for 6 months.
  • Worked with the Dept. of Energy Resources to clarify language in the Stretch Energy Code improving large additions and attic insulation requirements.